Introduction to Operating Systems
Course Code:
Course Hours:
Contact Hours / Week:
Aims of Course:
The aim of the course is to introduce the fundamentals of operating systems design and implementation. Student will learn the operating system components such as interrupts, concurrent execution, states and state diagrams, dispatching and context switching, interrupt handling in a concurrent environment in addition to more advanced components such as pre-emptive and non-pre-emptive scheduling, processes and threads, page placement and replacement policies, working sets and thrashing, caching and others .The student will apply the theoretical part of the Operating system using Linux or Unix operating system.
Learning Experiences:
The course is offered in 40 hours of lectures with individual exercises, project work and problem solving
Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able:
- To introduce the fundamentals of Operating Systems design and implementation
- To understand Operating System components, device organization, theory, structure and mechanism
- To be able to develop a project related to Operating System Concept
- To demonstrate interrupts; concurrent execution; state diagrams; dispatching; interrupt handling; mutual exclusion problem; deadlock detection and prevention; mechanisms semaphores, monitors, condition variables..etc.
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