Introduction to Management
Course Code:
Course Hours:
Contact Hours / Week:
Course Description:
This course presents a systematic coverage of management theory and practice. It will cover the application of management theories to practical problems in planning, organizing, leading and controlling business activity. Contemporary management theory and practice are changing rapidly and those changes will be discussed during the course.
Case studies, problems and discussion of relating articles, studies will help the deeper understanding of the discussed areas. The course integrates classical and modern concepts with a rich collection of contemporary real-world examples and cases. The course covers six major themes that guide the progress through the fascinating world of management, namely: Change, Skill development, Global economy, the Internet revolution, Diversity, and Ethics.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able:
- Describe the functions of management and explain the managerial roles and skills and the changes that impact manager’s jobs.
2. Compare manager actions, according to different views, and identify the dimensions of organizational culture.
3. Contrast multinational, multi-domestic, global, transnational and born global organizations; explain how to manage in a global environment.
4. Describe the rational decision-making process and the concepts of bounded rationality; explain the types of problems and decisions and the managerial decision-making model.
5. Describe the purposes of planning and explain the different types of plans and how managers can effectively plan in today’s dynamic environment.
6. Describe the key elements in organizational design; contrast mechanistic and organic organizations, and traditional and contemporary organizational designs.
7. Explain the change process and how to manage resist to change; explain creativity and innovation.
8. Understand the functions and components of the communication process; explain the barriers to communication and the ways to overcome those barriers.
9. Explain the key elements of motivation and discuss its basic and contemporary theories.
10. Understand the contemporary views on leadership; describe the sources of a leader’s power and the issues today’s leaders face.
11. Explain the control process; describe the tools used to measure organizational performance and the various types of controls.
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