International Business Management
Course Code:
Course Hours:
Contact Hours / Week:
Course Description:
This course addresses the importance of globalization and how it affects the lives of people all around the Globe. In todays’ business environment, we are exposed to different types of products and services produced in different parts of the world, Businesses are expanding and opening new branches overseas thus it is becoming mandatory for them to study different cultures and adapt to new situations in order to succeed . Today’s Managers are working for local companies facing Multinational competitors, or working abroad for foreign companies, it is necessary to understand the differences among different nations in terms of economical, political, legal and cultural systems. The course will explore how to develop an international business strategy? What entry barriers exist? What entry strategies a multinational company can use? Why the MNC organizational structure should be changed with each entry strategy to optimize the strategy’s chances to work? It also examines the different staffing approaches that a MNC should incorporate while filling managerial positions abroad, it also covers issues as multicultural workforce, global marketing, design of global products and services, global R&D, and financing and accountability
Case studies, problems and discussion of relating articles will help the deeper understanding of the discussed areas.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Understand the concept of Globalization and how it is affecting the lives of people around the globe through the buying and selling of different products and services and the use of advanced technology.
- Recognize the nature of multinational business and why nations trade?
- Understand what are the differences among different nations in terms of economical, political, legal and cultural systems?
- Understand how to choose a country in order to expand
- Appreciate the cultural values and variables across nations
- Identify the different cultural value dimensions
- Recognize the importance of communication across cultures including successful negotiations
- Understand the nature and logic of strategic alliances and international joint ventures and describe the guidelines needed for successful alliances
- Describe why the MNC organizational structure should be changed with each entry strategy to optimize the strategy’s chances to work?
- Examine the different staffing approaches that a MNC should incorporate while filling managerial positions abroad
- Examine the training and development of expatriate as well as the compensation packages
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