Computer Programming I
Course Code:
Course Hours:
Contact Hours / Week:
Aims of Course:
oIn this course the students will learn Programming methodology with emphasis on Program Control and Arrays. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to apply structured programming techniques and logic to write effective and readable programs through assignments and projects. Students will also learn to develop program specifications, develop hierarchy charts and logic plans, and code and test programs. During the term, fundamental programming elements will be covered such as analyzing engineering requirements to produce program specifications, apply the concept of an algorithm to solve programming problems.
Learning Experiences:
The course is offered in 40 hours of lectures with individual exercises, project work, class discussion, critical analysis, problem solving, and individual private study.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able:
oTo be able to apply structured programming techniques and logic to write effective and readable programs using C/C++ Language
oTo apply the concept of an algorithm to solve programming problems.
oTo learn Programming methodology with emphasis on Program Control, Arrays, and Functions
To understand and apply two or more logic tools such as hierarchy charts, flowcharts, pseudo code etc. to gain a clear picture of the programming problem and its solution.
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