Advanced Auditing and Accounting Theories
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Description of the course:
The course places much emphasis on understanding and applying the concepts and approaches to audit, investigations and assurance services and on developing skills to apply to the underlying concepts and approaches to professional services. The course further aims at preparing students to effectively conduct audit in any financial institution with specialized financial instruments. It aims to give students a solid theoretical and practical foundation in auditing. It covers central topics of auditing, such as, risk and materiality assessment, the planning of auditing, the auditing process and auditors’ reporting.
Moreover, some selected contemporary and international issues in financial accounting will be covered with an emphasis on reading and interpreting professional accounting literature. The accounting theory’ provides an introduction to empirical research on the relation between capital markets and financial statements. The objective is to develop your ability to critically evaluate existing research and to conduct own empirical research in the above mentioned areas. Applications of the present value model in accounting, agency theory and its implications for financial reporting, the accounting standard-setting process, and the economic consequences of accounting decisions are also discussed.
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