Introduction to Logistics & SCM - AUCE

Introduction to Logistics & SCM

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Course Description:


The function of supply chain management is to design and manage the processes, assets, and flows of material, information and funds required to satisfy customers’ demands.

Several factors have created a need to study the flows of material, information and funds in a unified manner. On the revenue side the supply chain decisions have a direct impact on the market penetration and customer service. Globalization of the economy and electronic commerce has heightened the strategic importance of supply chain management and created new opportunities for using supply chain strategy and planning as a competitive tool.

Electronic commerce has not only created new distribution channels for consumers but also revolutionized the industrial marketplace by facilitating inter-firm communication and by creating efficient markets through trading communities. Moreover, the combination of enterprise information infrastructure and the Internet has paved the way for a variety of supply chain optimization technologies.

In this course we study the major elements of supply chain management, learn how to design an integrated supply chain, and evaluate the fit with the business strategy.


Course Learning Outcomes:


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able:

  1. To develop an understanding of key drivers of supply chain performance and their inter-relationships with strategy and other functions of the company such as marketing, manufacturing and accounting.
  2. To impart analytical and problem solving skills necessary to develop solutions for a variety of supply chain management and design problems and develop an understanding of information technology in supply chain optimization.
  3. To understand the complexity of inter-firm and intra-firm coordination in implementing programs such as e-collaboration, quick response, jointly managed inventories and strategic alliances.
  4. To develop the ability to design logistics systems and formulate integrated supply chain strategy, so that all components are not only internally synchronized but also tuned to fit corporate strategy, competitive realities and market needs.

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