Microprocessor System and Interface
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Course Code:
Course Hours:
Contact Hours / Week:
SCCM440, SCSI250
Aims of Course:
o This course introduces the concepts of RAM, ROM and CPU architecture, Instruction Set, Timing sequences, Sub-routines, Interrupts, Peripherals, Applications, and System Design.
o It allows the student to interface the microprocessors with external memories, Input and output devices.
o It permits the students to construct basic programs using microprocessors.
Learning Experiences:
The course is offered in 40 hours of lectures with individual exercises, problem solving and Lab exercises
Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able:
- Understand the differences among microcomputer, microprocessor and microcontroller.
- Recognize any microcomputer architecture and describe the functions of most of its elements.
- Identify the organization of memory devices.
- Describe the microprocessor internal architecture and its interactions with the peripherals through the input /output interface.
- Write a program using instruction sets
- Write a program using MicoC.
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