Database Management System - AUCE

Database Management System

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Aims of Course:
oThe objective of this course is to prepare students to become able to implement a working database system using one of the popular DBMS MySQL. The course introduces students to the concepts of databases and database modeling and design. It, in particular, provides students with a three-stage methodology for designing relational database applications, namely, conceptual, logical, and physical database modeling and design.
oIn the first stage students will build a conceptual data model that is independent of all physical considerations. They will then transform this model in the second stage into the relational database logical model. In the third stage, students will translate the logical data model into a physical design for the target DBMS.
oTopics include basic concepts of databases, the 3-stage modeling and design methodology, the concepts of the relational database (RDB), conceptual data modeling using entity relationship diagram (ERD), from ERD to RDB and reverse engineering, data normalization, SQL: data definition language (DDL), SQL: manipulation and query languages, and relational algebra for querying.

Learning Experiences:

The course is offered in 40 hours of lectures with individual exercises, project work and problem solving.

Course Learning Outcomes:

By the completion of the course the students should be able to:
oDefine the problems entailed in file-based information systems design and which motivates the use of a database system.
oDescribe the 3-stage database design methodology.
oAnalyze a statement of data requirements to identify and express the different components of the conceptual data model.
oDraw the conceptual data model using ERD.
oExamine a relational database schema to identify its different components, such as primary keys, foreign keys, integrity constraints, etc.
oDescribe a relational database schema using both formal specification and diagrammatical forms.
oTransform a conceptual data model into a relational database model.
oApply and reverse engineer a relational data model into its corresponding conceptual data model.
oConstruct Relational Algebra expressions to express the answer to a specific information request.
oConstruct SQL queries to respond to a specific information request using data aggregation, calculations, views, sub-queries, embedded queries, manipulation, and report generation.
oAnalyze Relational database design theory including functional dependencies and normalization.
oDesign and implement a moderate size database information system using MySQL.

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